Located in an 1930’s service station, Auburn Brewing Company is a local brewpub designed to bring the community together by providing a comfortable environment, offering traditional and modern beer styles, local wine, and delicious food.
Where did this begin?
2011 after getting married in Salt Lake City Josh and Emma discovered a love of micro breweries - the unique flavors, the employees, the craft, the detail, the fun, the vibes - everything was fun and the people are the best. The idea of a low key place where community can come together, relax, play games, and enjoy some drinks sounded like something we needed here in Auburn, our home town. Josh had been brewing for about a year at this point in a Mr Beer kit Emma got him for Christmas, then every Christmas after that Josh got an upgraded brewing system. They started taking weekend trips to any high populated brewery areas, and planned vacations around the breweries they would be visiting - they even visited breweries as far as the Philippines. They took bits and pieces of each of these places to put a plan together of what they wanted to do here in Auburn. The brewing community is amazing so when anyone heard they were planning on opening the brewery they immediately took them into the back and we talked for hours about beer and the beer business. After several years of R&D they decided on building out a small, speakeasy style brewery in the back of Emma's boutique {Lyn-Maree's, which she recently sold} and saving up to purchase the building ABC is currently housed in. The owners of the building ABC is located in decided they loved the idea of ABC and sold it to Josh and Emma right then - well after about two year of ground testing necessary to get the funding to purchase - and that 's how ABC came to be, well the short version without all the blood, sweat, and tears... ABC finally opened in November 2018 with a bang!
Auburn Brewing company founders, Josh and Emma Metcalf, have loved being a part of Downtown Auburn.
We hope you come in - try something new - and wander around the brewery to check out the history and the fun little details. And don't forget to look up...

Auburn Brewing Company
Visit Us at 309 N Main Street Auburn, Indiana:
Thursday 4-10pm
Friday 4-10pm
Saturday 12-10pm
Sunday 12-8pm
* Now family friendly on patio and in the front room *
* Kitchen now open - Kitchen will close one hour before close *
* Wine and Cider now available *